Our small animal petting zoo includes: rabbits, chickens and ducks. For this size zoo we prefer a 10x10 foot area. We can also set up in our trailer for everyone to come in and visit with the animals. * Rabbits & guinea pigs can only travel with the zoo if it is under 78 degrees, they are very heat sensitive and we care too much about our animals to put them at risk. But, if you have a cool indoor spot to set them up we can work something out.
Our large animal petting zoo includes: goats, sheep, a miniature pig and your choice of miniature horse, alpaca, or a miniature donkey. This size zoo requires a 12x20 foot area.
Our small and large animal zoo includes: rabbits, chickens, ducks, goats, sheep, a miniature pig, and your choice of a miniature horse, alpaca, or miniature donkey. This zoo requires a 10x20 foot area. *Rabbits & guinea pigs can only travel with the zoo if it is under 78 degrees, they are very heat sensitive and we care too much about our animals to put them at risk.
The Mini Package includes an assortment of our miniature animals: a miniature horse, miniature donkey, pygmy goats, miniature pig and bantam chickens or call ducks. This zoo requires a 10x20 foot area.
Our Cuddly Bunnies Package includes: a variety of rabbits (Breeds of rabbits that we have are: French Angora, Flemish Giant, Lionhead, Holland Lop, and Champagne D'Argent. We prefer a 10x10 foot area (we can make smaller areas work) or we can set up in our trailer. This is a great package for indoors, for rainy days or when it is hot out! *Only available for an outdoor event if it is under 78 degrees, rabbits are very heat sensitive and we care too much about our animals to put them at risk.
The Snuggle Package includes a variety of rabbits, guinea pigs and a chinchilla. We prefer a 10x10 foot area (we can make smaller areas work) or we can set up in our trailer. This is a great package for indoors, for rainy days or when it is hot out! *Only available for an outdoor event if it is under 78 degrees, rabbits, chinchillas and guinea pigs are very heat sensitive and we care too much about our animals to put them at risk.
You choose which animals you would like in your petting zoo. Pick from rabbits, chickens, ducks, a chinchilla, miniature horses, goats, sheep, alpaca, guinea pigs, miniature donkey, or a miniature pig. * Rabbits & guinea pigs can only travel with the zoo if it is under 78 degrees, they are very heat sensitive and we care too much about our animals to put them at risk. But, we might be able to work something out if you have a cool indoor spot to set them up.
Hand-led Pony Rides on a medium sized pony or a large pony/small horse. Maximum of 15 kids per hour. Pricing listed below is for small events. Pony rides are not available for large events.
Weight limit 75 pounds.
Weight limit 75 pounds.
Weight limit 75 pounds.
Weight limit 115 pounds.
Weight limit 115 pounds.
Weight limit 115 pounds.
We can decorate our pony to match the theme and color of your party! For example: ribbons, flowers, glitter, unicorn, Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse, mermaid, Snow White, Spiderman. We can also customize one for your party theme. Prices start at $35.00.
Add a Small Petting Zoo to your Pony Ride Package. Includes: rabbits, chickens, and ducks.
First hour $175
Additional 30 Minutes $79
Additional Hour $135
Add a Large Animal Petting Zoo to your Pony Ride Package. Includes: A mini pig, sheep, and goats.
First Hour $295
Additional 30 Minutes $116
Additional Hour $212
Add The Mini Petting Zoo to your Pony Ride Package. Includes: A pygmy goat, bantam chickens or call ducks, a mini horse, and your choice of a mini donkey or mini pig.
First Hour $295
Additional 30 Minutes $116
Additional Hour $212
Add a Small and Large Petting Zoo to your Pony Ride Package. Includes: Rabbits, ducks, chickens, goats, sheep, and a mini pig.
First Hour $395
Additional 30 Minutes $168
Additional Hour $295
Add a miniature horse or miniature donkey to your Pony Ride Package.
First Hour $125
Additional 30 Minutes $54
Additional Hour $94
Price depends on animal.
We offer educational petting zoo's for schools. This is a great way to incorporate the animal(s) that you are covering in your curriculum. You get to pick the animal(s) that you would like the students to learn about. We give school discounts!
We offer Senior Center weekly, bi-weekly or monthly visits with your choice of animal. We give a discounted rate for senior centers!
The first 10 miles from our ranch to your location is included, additional miles are $2.00 per mile round trip. We use Apple Maps to calculate mileage.
The first 10 minutes of drive time to and from your location is included. Travel fee is $10.00 for every ten minutes, after the first 10 minutes. For example: Round trip drive time fee for a 30 minute travel time is $40.00.
The first 30 feet from where we park to the setup location is included, additional distance is $1.00 per foot.
Depending on the Petting Zoo Package size, location, and volume of the event an additional fee may apply.
A large event fee will be applied to events with over 75 people ($150.00 for the first hour and $100.00 for each additional hour).
Straw bales make great decorations and add to the farm theme. Bales are $20 each, you can keep them or we can take them with us.
Hawks Ranch Petting Zoo, LLC
Loomis, California, United States